InSpired Yoga Online Platform

About my Online Platform

What you can expect from joining my online platform.

Membership Plans

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or join my popular series

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Welcome video

About the Online Platform

What you get from being a member

  • English
  • German

  • An evolving project - new videos and audios monthly (Yin, Flow, relaxation, meditation, story telling)
  • Staying connected - choose what and when you wish to practice
  • Free Trial Week
  • Relaxed choice - choose the package that suits you (1 month, 3 months, 1 year)
  • Cancellation - you can cancel with one months notice
  • Viewing options - you can view on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone

  • Die Online Yoga Platform ist ein sich weiterentwickelndes Projekt - monatlich erscheinen neue Videos und Audios (Yin, Flow, Entspannung, Meditation, Geschichten)
  • Bleib verbunden - entscheide selbst, was und wann Du üben möchtest
  • Kostenlose Probewoche (FREE TRIAL)
  • Wähle das Paket, welches zu Dir passt (1 Monat, 3 Monate, 1 Jahr)
  • Kündigung - Du kannst jeweils mit einer Frist von 1 Monat Dein Abo kündigen
  • Ansichtsoptionen - alle Videos sind für die Ansicht auf Computer, Laptop, Tablet und Smartphone optimiert.


Be InSpired

Members Login


Membership Plans


Access my online classes all year around.

195 € for 1 year


Access my online classes for three months.

55 € for 3 months


Access my online classes for one month

25 € for 1 month

21-Day Challenge (2019)

21-Day workout,
daily videos & introductions.

50 € single payment

21-Day InSpiration (2020)

21-Day workout,
daily videos & introductions.

50 € single payment

Immune Boost Series (2020)

19-Day series, daily videos
& introductions


What is this Program about?

We are bombarded these days with so much mental & emotional input, not all of it being necessary and useful for us.
This overload can exacerbate patterns of anxiety, depression and the onset of illness.
Our immune systems are highly compromised, as we are often not even aware of the tension we are holding in our bodies until we experience pain or become ill.

When we move our body, or place it in a specific restorative position, it creates feelings of well being, and this is the healing power of yoga.
The correct position, positive thoughts and elevated emotions.

What will you experience in this program?

Guided quiet, deep restorative yoga practices, meditation & breathing practices, which all encourage:
• hormone balance
• reduced blood-sugar levels
• reduced tissue inflammation
• strengthening of the immune system
• activation of the Vagus nerve, critical in supplying parasympathetic information to the organs
• lowering of blood pressure
• reduced anxiety
• improved deep sleep
• feelings of well being, peace and happiness
• a focused mind
• learning to relax in a conscious deep way

Come and join me for 21 days of reprogramming, replacing old patterns of behaviour with positive conscious relaxation exercises, breathing practices and simple meditation techniques.

Is this program appropriate for me?

Are you willing to commit to a 30-minute daily practice to reconnect to yourself in a quiet way?
Then this program is for you.
If you have specific health issues which you are unsure of while practicing, please contact me first.

Course Feedback

  • English
  • German

"It was a wonderful experience with you and the practice helped me to relax very good. I slept like a little baby in the last weeks. I also felt a lot of vibration and circulation in me and around me that really felt very good and made me happy." R.J

"Your voice is so soothing and I loved the meditation and visualizations. I loved that you said we are coming home to ourselves and on the other hand bringing healing light to the world. So thank you very much for the experience." P.T.

"I loved the immune boost evening class. It was a wonderful event to have every evening. I had a great clearing the first week with releasing what I learned later was grief and sadness from my chest/lung area which has been an area of issues these past years. I love your messages and teachings in the class. They were quite soothing and great reminders. I also loved the reminder to set an intention and to visualize it. It works! Where our attention goes, energy flows." S.S.

"It was really very interesting experience the Immune Boost. There were parts, which I liked very much and I will definitely integrate in my morning Yoga.
Chanting om and the bijou mantra was so good! And it worked in spite of distance. It gave me so much energy. And I felt like being in the group all of a sudden. So the group was there!" R.Z.

"Ich möchte mich bei Dir für diese wunderbare Yoga Einheit in den letzten drei Wochen bedanken ! Du hast mir einen Weg gezeigt, auch in dieser schwierigen Zeit Ruhe zu finden und Kraft zu schöpfen. Von Tag zu Tag verspürte ich größere Vorfreude auf die Abendstunde und fühlte mich regelrecht von meiner Yogamatte angesogen, um so größer war die Enttäuschung, wenn ich wegen Spätdiensten nicht dran teilnehmen konnte. An unserem ersten Abend hatte ich mich ja sehr spontan noch angemeldet. Ich fühlte mich nicht gut, war kurz davor, meine erst im September gestartete neue Arbeit aufzugeben. Ich war an einem Punkt angekommen, der mir Sorge machte, überfordert , innerlich unruhig, ohne Boden und Halt, verunsichert …

Im Laufe der Yoga Abende habe ich eine Stärke in mir keimen gespürt, als wäre da etwas geweckt worden…die Meditation hat sehr starke Eindrücke hervorgerufen. Besonders war für mich der Perspektiv-wechsel, mich nicht von außen zu betrachten sondern den Blick aus mir heraus zulenken… ich weiß es nicht anders zu beschreiben, aber bisher glaube ich mich an eine Betrachtung von außen auf mich zu erinnern, wenn ich eine Entspannung oder Meditation gemacht habe. Mit Hilfe dieser Konzentration auf meinen inneren Körper kam Ruhe… und Zuversicht! Es war eine sehr besondere Kraft zu spüren, die mich tief berührt und auch gestärkt hat." I.G.

"Ich finde sehr zur Ruhe durch das Abendyoga.
Meine Affirmation ist schon seit dem Frühjar `peace´ und ich spüre, wie meine Zellen im ganzen Körper diese Schwingung immer mehr aufnehmen. Das ist wunderbar.
Und die Achtsamkeit, wirklich das zu tun, was meinem Körper gut tut, nicht ehrgeizig zu sein, fällt mir abends viel leichter. Und es verändert mehr als ich gedacht habe." L.R.

50 € single payment

Background philosophy

When I started practicing and learning yoga in 1994, there was a quiet simplicity to Yoga that I notice has changed with its evolution in the world. Yoga was, for me, a reflective internal process that occurred through the physical body, using my personal curiosity and inquiry to deepen my experience of myself and my relationship to the world around me. I still believe in this. So, this is my intention here - Be your practice. It is not about the studio, the clothes, the mat, but about you in this moment being as honest and kind with yourself as possible.

How this works:
Being an integrated human being - Repetition is a tool to reinforce our learning within and without. First we embody the practice in ourselves, and then through this embodiment we learn how to integrate these essential tools through our communication and communion with others.

Stay with a sequence for a few days or a few weeks, to embody the deeper meaning of moving and breathing, until you feel this integration within and without.

Self-empowered - Being a part of a community that matters to us, is a reminder of what is important in life. Being supported and supporting of key life qualities, values and morals, reinforces this importance. Going to yoga class is a part of this essential life-thread that weaves us on our path. When it is not possible to attend, the online portal supports you to stay connected to this community.

Changing old habits for strong healthy habits - Repetition and reward are two essential factors for the building of a strong habit. The daily habit builds new neural pathways and the reward of the daily achievement helps you enjoy it. There is a third important factor in the building of a habit - curiosity. When you are occupied with one thing for a long time, the novelty wears off and the mind loses can lose the new habit without realizing it. By improving and evaluating your goal, your can keep it new, challenging and interesting.
(This last paragraph is an inspiring extract from: Jasper van der Meulen, Mindlift, p.119)

Just as we can effectively learn new healthy habits, so can we also very easily settle into not-such-healthy habits - stay connected to attending class regularly too. Without corrections and adjustments, we can also instill incorrect postures and movements in our body system that can reinforce old habits in mind and body.

Support our NGO "Lucky beans e.V."


Seva project

In Yoga, SEVA (Say-va) is a Sanskrit word for service - how can we serve others and give back to society. Through my yoga practice and teaching, I aim to give back to my childhood community in a small and meaningful way. Since I grew up in South Africa, this is where my heart lies in an attempt to empower young children in the Lidgetton community where it is often challenging to have hope and see the light. Our small Angel Ruth’s Soup Kitchen is a space where the children can go for a warm meal, as well as to a space where they know they are safe and cared for, can play freely and learn.

I offer a percentage of my teaching earnings back into this community, knowing that is is well used and goes directly to the source. To support the growing needs in the Lidgetton community, we set-up Lucky Beans e.V. in Germany in 2015. Through our charity status we are able to offer the possibility of EU citizens receiving a tax reclamation from any donation you may wish to make.

More details @

Fiona Hayhoe-Weiland

Design & Photography by

© 2025 Fiona Hayhoe-Weiland / send me a message